Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for token holders

Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders and the Trophy Auto-Staking Protocol (TAP) is a new financial protocol that makes betting easier, and more efficient, and provides $TROPHY token holders the highest stable returns in the world. crypto.

Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders. Our TAP algorithm used in Trophy tokens provides great benefits for $Trophy holders:

· Trophy Insurance Fund (TIF) — 4% of all trading fees are held in the Trophy Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

· Auto Token Burn — One of the interesting features of the Trophy Protocol is the automatic token burn system called "The Furnace" which prevents circulating supplies from getting out of hand and getting out of hand. Furnace burns 1.5% of all Trophy Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transactions.

TAP uses a complex set of factors to support its price. Including the Trophy Insurance Fund (TIF) which functions as an insurance fund to achieve price stability and long-term sustainability of the Trophy Protocol

Cup Utility

A utility that supports the Trophy Protocol.


Cup Utility

1. 1.

Trophy Farm dan Staking

2. 2.

Change the DEx Cup


Change the DEx Cup

dAPP AND SWAP With constant updates and community engagement, our dAPP Dashboard consists of swap exchanges with a user-friendly interface and allows holders to view the rewards generated in real-time. Our ecosystem tends to have unlimited potential, all made possible by our team, which is the perfect blend of brains and power, to make the experience a personal experience for every investor.

Staking (Stake and Earn more $TROPHY)

Earn 1.2% daily @ 438% APY

Trophy Staking is a simple App Platform, Just Connect your wallet and start Staking and Earn 1.2% Daily for 365 days Auto Compound to earn up to 850% APR

Trophy Provides Stable APY for Stakers using TAP Protocol Earning

Auto Staking and Auto Compound Protocols with Utilities in Trophy Farming,

Trophy to start Staking at 500 $TROPHY Token Holder

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. It measures the real rate of return on your principal amount taking into account the effects of compound interest. In the case of Trophy, your $TROPHY token represents your principal,

Here's how the TROPHY Auto-Liquidity Engine (TALE) works:

Every 48 hours our TROPHY Auto-Liquidity Engine (TALE) will inject automated liquidity into the market. On every buy or sell order there is a 5% tax fee which is automatically deposited into the Auto-LP wallet and built into the smart contract our protocol is a mechanism that intelligently takes 50% of the TROPHY amount stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy BNB at current market prices.

The remaining 50% of TROPHY in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the liquidity side of TROPHY , therefore giving a weight of TROPHY /BNB equal to 50/50 which will then be automatically added as additional new liquidity into the market pairs and increase the amount of liquidity in the pool .

TALE will do this every 48 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $TROPHY token holders to easily sell their tokens at any time with little or no market slippage. This will also assist in maintaining protocol stability to ensure APY is enforced throughout the lifetime of TROPHY .

introduced several versions of this protocol that have attracted billions of dollars in capital, and went on to build many top-performing crypto brands. The DeFi 2.0 protocol promises token holders a greater level of simplicity and security, and increased fixed returns from staking.

TROPHY developers have introduced the TROPHY Autostaking Protocol (TAP), a DeFi 2.0 protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a sustainable, compound interest model through the use of its unique proprietary protocol.

Competitive advantage

This trophy has a competitive advantage that makes it the simplest DEX platform on the market. This can be seen from the various features it offers:

Ease of exchanging: Trophy allows users to exchange their tokens more easily and quickly through an exchange platform that supports multi-chains.

Earn passive income: Trophy makes it easy for users to earn passive income just by holding tokens. Later the reward they get is quite high and this will be automatically sent to the holder.

Intelligent tokenomics; Trophy has tokennomics which will regulate the circulation of tokens. With this tokenomic, Trophy tokens will be able to survive and have a bright future. Thus, it will provide a sense of security for the holder.

Audited by professionals: Trophy will be audited by a professional audit firm who will ensure that the smart contracts owned by Trophy are completely secure.

TROPHY Autostaking Protocol (TAP) - Highest Fixed AP

TAP provides token holders with simplicity, security and consistently high returns of 380.345% APY of their stake. It is used in the TROPHY token, giving it these industry benefits:

Low Risk – TROPHY Insurance Fund (TIF)

4% of all trading fees are held in the TROPHY Insurance Fund which helps to maintain and support bet rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

Staking - Easy and Safe

TROPHY tokens are always in your wallet, no need to hand over to third parties or centralized authorities. All you need to do is buy & hold because you automatically receive the prize in your own wallet so there is no more complicated betting process at all.

Interest Yield - Automatic Payment

You don't have to worry about staking your tokens back. Interest results are paid automatically and pooled in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.

APY Remains High

TROPHY paid out 380,345.76% in the first 12 months rivaling anything in the DeFi arena to date.

Fast Interest Payment

The TROPHY protocol pays each TROPHY Token holder every 15 minutes or 96 times daily, making it the fastest auto-incorporation protocol in crypto.

Automatic Token Burn

One of the interesting features of TROPHY Protocol is the automatic token burning system called "The Furnace" which prevents the circulating supply from getting out of control and getting out of control. The Furnace burns 1.5% of all Trophy Token market sales.


280,000 TROPHY

Trophy is a company focused on DeFi innovation utilities such as DEX SWAP and FARM STAKING, that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders ($TROPHY is a Bep20 token,)and the Trophy Auto-Staking Protocol (TAP) is a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, and more efficient and awards $TROPHY token holders (Stakers) the highest stable returns in crypto.

We also have several proprietary mechanisms in place that we have created ourselves which offers many improvements over our competition such as; our TROPHY Auto-Liquidity Engine (TALE), the TROPHY Insurance Fund (TIF), our Long term Interest Cycle (LIC), as well as safeguards in place which secure against malicious hack attempts.

TROPHY tokenomics are also completely unique with our Auto-Burn Furnace structure

Trophy Smart Contract: 0xBaAd7173c7eDd91269F52c32c1d98B523e1852e4

Trophy Buy and Sell Fees

Buy and Sell

(13% for buys and 16% for sells)

Trophy buy and sell fees are an important component of the TAP. They provide capital for performing critical functions to the protocol.

Other protocols utilize selling bonds to support the same functions as Trophy fees, but we believe that approach is riskier because if bonds are not purchased, the token can lose its support and spiral downward in price as we have seen with several of these bond based protocols.

Selling bonds also costs token holders.

Trading Fees Explained

Buy Trading Fees:

5.0% — LP 4.0% — TIF 2.5% — Treasury 1.5% — Furnace

Sell Trading Fees:

5.0% — LP 5.0% — TIF 4.5% — Treasury 1.5% — Furnace


Q2 2022

· Initiating the project

· Launch website

· social media channels

· Docs (White-Paper Documentation)

· Project announcement to international media through Press Releases

· PR Marketing

· Build Phase — Smart Contract

· Contract Audit by Tech_audit

· PinkLock Liquidity Locked till 2038 (32.4%)

· Pre-Launch Marketing

· Token Fair Launch Sale on Pinksale

· Initiate and Promote Discord Community​

· Pancake Swap Launching.​

o ​

· 1,000 Token Holders

· Twitter Marketing Campaign

· YouTube Marketing Campaign

Q3 2022-​

· Nomics Listing​

o ​

· CoinMarketCap Listing

· CoinGecko Listing

· Trophy Farm and Staking Dapp

· DappRadar Listing

· YouTube Marketing Campaign

· Twitter Marketing Campaign

· Dapp Listing

· Certik Audit

· PR Marketing

· Airdrop Campaign and

· Bounty Campaign

· 10,000 Token Holders

Q4 2022

· Twitter Marketing Campaign

· Trophy Swap DEx Dapp

· YouTube Marketing Campaign

· More Partnerships

· PR Marketing

· 20,000 Token Holders

· Major exchanges Listing

· Integration of NFT Trade/Swap

Q2 2023

· Partnerships and co-operation with successful crypto companies

· Twitter Marketing Campaign

· YouTube Marketing Campaign

· PR Marketing

· Major exchanges Listing x2

· 50,000 Token Holders

Q3 2023

· PR Marketing

· Airdrops and Bounties

· Youtube Marketing

· Twitter Marketing

· 70,000 Token Holders

Q4 2023

· Cross-Chain Integration

· Development Mobile Application iOS and Android

· Twitter Marketing

· Youtube Marketing

· 90,000 Token Holders

Q1 2024

More Updates for task will be updated as the project goes on


Get Trophy Token @ 0.0% TAX Free via our website buy page.

Buy TROPHY TOKEN- FairLaunch

PancakeSwap Listing — $TROPHY is already in the market trading $TROPHY/BNB Liquidity pairs Liquidity locked for 15 years via trusted PinkLock.​

Minimum Purchase — 0.1 BNB Maximum Purchase — 10 BNB

Initial Market Cap (Estimate) — $200,000



Trophy wants to build a simple DEX platform that will be a platform that will make it easier for users globally for their crypto needs such as swaps, stakes, and earnings. Trophy designed this platform with ease as the main focus, so this will be a platform that makes it easy for them, especially users who are new to crypto, this will be their mainstay platform. So with what Trophy has to offer, it will be a go-to platform for those who want to trade, bet and earn more easily and safely.

Social Media

Telegram Group:​





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