Big Metaverse - We build the world as you imagine

 This document contains brief information about Bridge In Gain Version 1 (V.1) which describes the Bridge In Gain game ecosystem, such as: technical, economic, game features and mechanics, and explains the purpose of Bridge In Gain Metaverse to the community, the environment and the world.

Tentang Bridge In Gain

Metaverse is a very broad and complex technology. The world of Metaverse is a completely different world in the Computer room. This requires access via (VR), Virtual Reality or (AU) Augmented Reality. This Metaverse can be accessed through Personal Computers, Phones and Game Consoles. Metaverse is a vast space in the Digital world which has its own economy where users will be able to sell and buy goods. Metaverse has an interoperable feature that allows users to take things like clothes, cars from one place to another. Metaverse allows users to buy virtual Lands, build them, and rent them out. This is quite an amazing technology that will revolutionize the digital world. In this article, I will discuss about the Big Metaverse platform,

Bridge In Gain is a video game world based on Metaverse technology, where video games are presented with a futuristic utopia or dystopia by presenting various game genres that can be enjoyed by all people, including Sci-fi, MMORPG, FPS, Hunting Adventure which can be accessed via portal inside Bridge in Gain.

Lisensi & Platform

Windows PCs and Mac OS, equipped with mouse and keyboard control systems. Android and iOS (development).

BigMetaverse's goal is to build a large Decentralized Metaverse ecosystem where users will be able to explore, participate in activities, collaborate, learn and do all sorts of things together. It's like the real world but the BigMetaverse world will be limited to the Virtual world. Users will be able to connect friends all over the world, chat with them, Play Games together, and engage in shared activities. BigMetaverse will allow users to create and monetize their content. It only offers a blockchain powered platform where content creators monetize virtual products, interactive 3D models. All these activities are supported by the use of cryptocurrencies and Smart contract technology.

Content creators earn tokens by sharing their creativity with others. BigMetaverse offers a decentralized metadata registry for the Web3 ecosystem, the protocol is capable of storing, indexing, and searching metadata attached to smart contracts. Day by day many people adopt Metaverse, they start to experience VR and AR (Augmented Reality) technology.

How the Big Metaverse works

: Very good project . I'm sure this project will have a lot of interest when it launches because this project has a solid team structure and very good project trust. I am sure that when it launches, there will be a lot of interest in this project because this project has a solid and reliable team structure. This project is one of the most creative and revolutionary of all! pleasures that I would be wary of. In my opinion, one of the best projects.

Most of us already know blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and large corporations. But blockchain is not limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry related to information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize operations without relying on any authority to control data.

This project, and the team have built a strong community with great potential. Lucky project. Great project with a really cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users raises serious concerns about network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from increasing cryptocurrency trading, decentralized finance also increases the load on these networks. The promising nature of blockchain has led to the development of many new protocols including yield farming, liquidity pools, and mining platforms on an already dense blockchain.

Vision and mission


Bridge In Gain Metaverse is at the forefront of developing Blockchain-based gaming technology and is a pioneer in bringing this technology into the global economy.


We are committed to combining several innovative technologies and applying them effectively in the world of games and everyday life

We strive to provide an amazing experience for users by presenting character controller features using haptic glove and VR devices

We run a business without distance limits to be the best platform for MSME players around the world, especially Indonesia

Social Effect

Games are integrated into society through realistic visualizations that have the potential for a surge in consumer interest in Blockchain technology. This significant surge in consumer interest is also at the same time a new opportunity for many people to find their fortune.


The team owns all intellectual property on the property created during the game which includes names, images, concepts, ideas, inventions, constructions, codes, insights, processes, marks, methods, software, compositions, formulas and data, whether patented or not, both trademarked and non-owned, any kind of use of this material without the consent of the developer is strictly prohibited.


The team is not responsible for any losses related to the Bridge in Gain software issue, and the team reserves the right to cancel coin distribution at any time. Bridge in Gain's development process can be stopped for various reasons, including lack of interest from the general public, lack of financial resources, company bankruptcy, death of a key developer and others.

In addition, under no circumstances shall Bridge in Gain or its affiliated parties be liable to any person or company for any kind of loss, liability and expense whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, compensatory, accidental, actual, exemplary, punitive or specific to the use of link or open this technical document, as well as for any content including but not limited to loss of business, loss of profits, loss of data, goodwill or other intangible losses.

Game Economy

This game can be played for free and/or paid, but any form of purchase becomes an asset that is fully owned by the player with a deflationary mechanism that allows the player to profit. Interestingly, games in the BIG Metaverse can be played for free but players can still get BIG tokens without spending a penny which is often called play to earn (P2E).

Premium Store

The Premium Shop or Premium Shop is an item purchase feature provided by the developer for players in Bridge in Gain, in the Premium Shop there are various items such as: Wardrobe, Accessories, Character Interface, Vehicle, Property, & Function. The exchange rate or currency value that applies to making purchases in the Premium Shop is using Manik (gamecash), which can be obtained by top-up (fiat) through Player Super Apps or through the Website. Bridge In Gain uses a decentralized storage system, to distribute assets in the game, each asset that needs to be rendered will take a file reference into the smart-contract.


Wardrobe is an outfit or item that can be used by the player's character as an addition to the appearance of the character, each Wardrobe has a different rarity level depending on the amount available in the Premium Shop. Wardrobe purchases can be made using Beads which are the game currency (fiat). The Wardrobe available in the Premium Shop is an item made or provided by the Bridge In Gain developer, the Wardrobe itself is divided into 4 parts, namely: Head/Body/Legs/Shoes.


Accessories are items that can be used as additions or complements to player characters other than Wardrobe, each Accessories has a different class or rarity level depending on the amount of supply available in the Premium Shop. Purchase of Accessories can be done by using Beads which are the game currency (fiat). Accessories available in the Premium Shop are items made or provided by the Bridge In Gain developer. Accessories are divided into 4 parts, namely: Face/Shoulder/Arms/Back.

Character Interface

Character Interface is an item in the form of status support or user display Customizer or Personal Head-up Display of player characters, can be obtained in the Premium Shop, and can be obtained by doing missions in Achievement, Character Interface purchases can be made using Beads which are the game currency (fiat). Each Character Interface item has a different class or rarity level depending on the amount of supply available in the Premium Shop. The Character Interface available in the Premium Shop is an item created or provided by the Bridge In Gain developer, the Character item itself is divided into 4 functions or categories, namely: Name Frame/Avatar Picture/Avatar Frame Picture Border/Features.


Vehicle is a vehicle item that can be used or driven by player characters in Bridge In Gain, besides being obtained in the Premium Shop, players can rent or complete the missions available in achievements. Vehicle purchases can be made using beads which are the game currency (fiat), each vehicle has a different class or level of rarity depending on the amount of supply available in the Premium Shop. The vehicles available in the Premium Shop are items made or provided by the Bridge In Gain developer, themselves divided into 4 types, namely: Landcraft/Watercraft/Aircraft/Specialcraft.


Property is an item that can be stored or applied to Ardh, Flat and Office assets in the form of furniture, materials, etc. as a collection of NFT assets. Property purchases can be made using beads which are the game currency (fiat), each property has a different class or level of rarity depending on the amount of supply available in the Premium Shop. The properties available in the Premium Shop are items made or provided by the Bridge In Gain developer. Property is categorized into two parts, namely: Furniture/Scene


Function is an item category that functions as an access requirement and a tool for supporting features in certain games and is only available in the Premium Shop. Purchase of items in the Other's category can be done using Beads which are the game currency (fiat), each Function item has a different class or rarity level depending on the amount of supply available in the Premium Shop. The functions available in the Premium Shop are items created or provided by the Bridge In Gain developer, which contains Access/Device.

Pasar NFT

The NFT Marketplace is a feature in Bridge In Gain where digital assets or NFTs are commonly displayed and traded. In this marketplace, digital collectors can sell, buy or create NFTs to represent ownership of unique assets or items, either tangible (physical) or intangible (digital) to be displayed or registered in the NFT Marketplace. Each virtual asset in the NFT marketplace can identify the creator, ownership, description, and historical record of ownership, and can identify the value of an asset. The following categories of items are available in the NFT Marketplace:


Ardh is a virtual asset in the form of plots of land inside Bridge In Gain, Ardh has three levels including Room/Floor/Building, which are stored in the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) smart contract.


Flat is an NFT digital asset in the form of a room/floor/building consisting of three levels including Room/Floor/Building. Flats are stored in the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) smart contract.


Office is a rare NFT digital asset in the form of a room/floor/building consisting of three levels including Startup/Enterprise and Holding. Office is stored in the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) smart contract. Office is intended to be a virtual office work environment, Office can be obtained through the Marketplace or by cooperating with the developer team.

NFT Wardrobe

Similar to the Wardrobe contained in the Premium Shop that has been provided by the developer, the function of the NFT Wardrobe is an item that can be used by the player's character, as an addition to the appearance of the character, only NFT Wardrobe is an item or asset created by the creator or player outside the developer. NFT Wardrobe itself is divided into four categories, namely: Head/Body/Legs/Shoes. Creators or players can create and register their NFT Wardrobe assets into the NFT Marketplace, provided they must follow the instructions provided by the developer with the specified dimensions.

NFT Accessories

It's the same with Accessories in the Premium Shop which has been provided by the developer and is divided into four categories namely Face/Shoulder/Arms/Back, the function of NFT Accessories is an item that can be used by player characters, as an addition to the appearance of characters other than Wardrobe. , it's just that NFT Accessories are in the form of items or assets created by creators or players outside the developer. Creators or players can create and register their NFT Accessories assets into the NFT Marketplace, provided they must follow the instructions provided by the developer with the specified dimensions.

NFT Property

NFT Property is an item that can be stored or applied to Ardh, Flat and Office assets in the form of furniture, materials, and so on as a collection of NFT assets. Different from the Property available in the Premium Shop which is provided and created by the development team, NFT Property is created by players or creators who register these assets in the Marketplace with the dimensional requirements determined by the development team, NFT Property is categorized into two parts, namely: Furniture/Scene.


The developer of the BIG Metaverse application also makes several other applications such as BIG Tenant Apps and Player Super Apps. The features in the application are connected to the real world that are tailored to the needs of the wider community.

BIG Tenant Apps

BIG Tenant is an application or feature created by PT Benua Integrasi Global to make it easier for tenants or corporate partnerships in the management of any content or product that will be displayed in the game or BIG Lobby. Any person or organization may gain access to the BIG Tenant upon the request and approval of PT Benua Integrasi Global with the aim of maintaining the exclusivity of each asset in it. BIG Tenant acts as a bridge between players and tenants in terms of order transactions. Tenants can receive notifications if there are orders that come into the tenant, besides that the tenant also has the right to refuse any orders that come in for certain reasons.

BIG Tenant Mobile Apps V1

BIG Tenant can be run on android with a minimum version of Marshmallow. In addition, BIG Tenant will support web-based application, which means that it can be run through a platform that is connected to the internet and has a web browser. There are several features in the BIG Tenant application, including accepting and rejecting every incoming order, viewing order recapitulation based on certain days, weeks, months, and dates, managing products and categories that will be displayed in the game, managing discount promos to increase sales and disbursement of the balance to the registered tenant account number.

Player Super Apps

BIG Player Super Apps is an application made especially for players. This application aims to be a bridge of information for players. This application can be run using the minimum version of Android Marshmallow and also iOS 10.

BIG Player Super Apps V1

There are several features in the application that allow each user to share ID cards to social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp. In addition, users can top-up beads, communicate with tenants through the chat feature, communicate with friends on the friendlist through the chat feature, discuss on the forum feature, receive notifications for every transaction made in the game, view every transaction record made. , track every transaction that takes place, and can make purchases of items in the game.


Blockchain-based game technology development is complete with a digital currency called BIG Token which is built on the Binance Smart Chain. This game can be played for free and or paid, all forms of purchases are assets that are given their rights to players with a deflation mechanism. BIG Token has a total supply of 250,000,000 with a transparency system in order to create a more secure Bridge In Gain Metaverse environment, each token will be distributed during the Token Generation Event (TGE) according to a predetermined time period.

The following is the identity information and token distribution:

  • Nama: Big Metaverse
  • Symbol: BIG
  • Network: BSC
  • Decimal: 9
  • Seed sale: 10% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 10 months 25% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 4 months
  • Presale: 75% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 25% per month
  • Public sale: $BIG tokens will be unlocked and can be sold on TGE
  • Staking rewards: every $BIG token staked will be reserved and unlocked at strategic times
  • Liquidity pool: $BIG token liquidity will be locked for 5 years
  • Marketing: 10% of $BIG tokens will be reserved for marketing needs
  • Development: The $BIG token will be reserved for the commercial development entity BIG studio which will open at a strategic time


The formula we built is community based to maintain price stability in the market and metaverse ecosystem


Total Supply (100%)


Seed Sales (3%)


Personal Selling (10%)


Presale (15%)


Public Sales (18%)


Bet Prize (25%)


Liquidity Pool (7%)


Marketing (6%)


Development (6%)


We put together a systematic plan for the progress of the BIG Metaverse

1.The first step in our journey is to carefully design concepts and ideas and then proceed to form a team. After the team is formed, we carry out technology and ecosystem research followed by prototyping and making a final decision on the plan to be implemented. Then we also legalized the company, and illustrated the concept of Bridge in Gain. The preparation of game design documents and making prototypes was continued with the development of the company's website.

2.Furthermore, the conceptualized idea is designed into a 3D asset for Bridge in the Gain Metaverse and followed by the development of the system and ecosystem in it. Then, we will also develop tenant applications and player super apps for your business needs. Also in this quarter, we developed the web, and integrated it with the Unity system. After that, we also check the quality of the products made through quality assurance and proceed with Alpha Tests and Pre-release news

3.In the third quarter, we conducted a Beta Test and continued with the release of Bridge in Gain Metaverse V.1. Then, we issue tokens and issue a whitepaper. After that, BIG coins will be listed on pancake swap, coin market cap, and coinecko. In addition, we also innovate by launching BIG FIN-X Wallet as a non-cash transaction tool. Then we audit smart contracts through certificate audits followed by licenses from various exchanges such as Tokocrypto and Indodax. In addition to permits from the stock exchange, we also applied for permits to CoFTRA and Bank Indonesia.

4.Once the license is obtained, we will develop the NFT starting from Field Development, Flats and Offices. We also built our own Blockchain to make it easier for users to transact at a cheaper and faster price. Next up, coin issuance and smart contract creation. Compilation and publication of the V.2 whitepaper, then we will launch the BIG Marketplace followed by the release of Bridge on


Great people behind the scenes building new worlds and ecosystems that have a stable future for you

Pandu Prabu

tech people

Sigit Wijaya

tech people

Riki Rhenaldi

tech people

Sys Wyndar

tech people


On May 23, 2022, BRIDGE IN GAIN has held a soft launch in Jakarta, Indonesia



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