What is MYCRO?
MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be done directly on the MYCRO network for free. Using the smart and self-taught algorithm known on the dating platform, MYCRO combines these tasks on time with the right job seeker. He does his work. One person has time, another money.

Home services
Gardening, cleaning, tidying, replacing, minor repairs, cleaning windows, washing, ironing, cooking
Delivery service
Do shopping, driving services, transportation services, shipping services
Virtual service
Internet research, travel planning, support services, clerical work, online surveys
Skilled service
Tutoring, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, managing computers, installing TV, DJs, waiters, managing internet connections
Simple Work Use a single

Mycro's success is based on intuitive user friendliness. The needs of job providers and job seekers need to be dealt with quickly and without complications. This happens when you combine the right job offer with the right job seeker. Only after both parties reach their goal. Good product for job providers.
Fun and tempting for those who seek trabajo work missions. Nuestra is to give everyone access to these opportunities, whether they come from a village in Vietnam, outside Berlin or downtown Manhattan.
want to solve serious problems in the community. Through peer-to-peer networks for simple work, they allow people to control their remaining time and money. During ICO, a maximum of 100,000 MYO will be made. Softbank will reach up to 3.5 million euros.
How to use Mycro Token (MYO)

Shopping for Work
Use Mycro Token (MYO) to achieve a better position in the job provider dashboard. This allows you to determine your own cost. We call it work shopping.
Receive MYO from the community prize pool for good ratings after successful work and building a Mycro community - controlled by smart contracts.
It is planned that you can use Mycro tokens (MYO) to pay for work - in a reliable and safe way using smart escrow contracts. (Planning)
Why Blockchain?
Fast and simple use
Our intelligent algorithm is able to match the right job with the right jobber very quickly. Jobs can be posted for free at any time. Workers see jobs at any time.
People who are strangers have trust problems. We will solve this problem through a decentralized ranking and verification system implemented by smart contracts on the blockchain. In this way, both parties can carry out transactions 'without trust' without assuming the associated risks.
The money is held by a decentralized smart escrow contract when the work is done. Both the job provider and the employer do not have access. An escrow contract will handle employer remuneration only if the job is successful.
Low cost
It is our vision to turn Mycro into a fully decentralized application (dApp). By eliminating intermediaries, fees of up to 30% charged by intermediaries no longer have to be paid. Jobs can always be posted for free. Workers only pay 2% to use Mycro dApp.
MYCRO wants to solve serious social problems. Through a peer-to-peer network for simple tasks, they give people control over their time and cash balance. During ICO, a maximum of 100,000,000 MYO will be made. Softbank will reach 3.5 million euros.
Symbol: MYO
Softcap: 3,500,000 euros
Hardcap: € 14 million
Token Supply: 100,000,000 MYO
Personal sales: 26,000,000 MYO
Main sales: 40,000,000 MYO
BL blockchainchain Specifications: Participation of ERC20 tokens
Method: ETH
Launch of ICO: Q4 / 2018

Invest in Micro One of the fastest-growing parts of the global labor market. With our solutions, we bring people back in control of their time and money and improve the lives of millions of people. From the start, we have built intelligent software architecture on the blockchain to implement the concept of a fully decentralized system. Together we have more than 150 years of experience in creating companies, developing software and blockchains, and marketing. And we love what we do.
Don't think about investing in Micro anymore.
Personal Sales
A maximum of 26,000,000 Mycro Tokens (MYO) will be sold during private sales to strategic partners and investors with long-term costs for the project.
Pre salt
In pre-sales, a maximum of 5,000,000 Mycro tokens (MYO) will be sold. The prerequisites for participating in the initial sale are the inclusion in the white list and the successful completion of the KYC procedure. All tokens that are not sold in pre-sale will be available for primary sales.
The pre-sale period offers investors a 30% bonus. Pre-sales begin in Q4 / 2018 within 14 days or when all tokens are sold.
Main sales
At least 35,000,000 Mycro tokens (MYO) will be sold through major sales, so the maximum amount of MYO 66 million will be sold in private sales, pre-sales, and primary sales. The main sales will be divided into three stages, and various discounts will be given to investors.
Big sales will start in the 4th quarter of 2018.
00-15 days or 10,000,000 MYO - - 20% Bonus
15-30 days or 12,500,000 MYO - - 10% bonus
30-60 days or 12,500,000 MYO - - - 5% bonus
All unsold tokens will be burned at the end of the ICO
Read the White Paper:
For more information, you can visit the link below:
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